Tuesday 29 March 2011

School bags and plant pots.

Ru went off to 'pre-kindy' today for the third time. He does 2 sessions a week and is loving it so far. We had to go and get him a 'school' bag, water bottle and hat. They aren't allowed out without hats and at this time of year I suspect that 90% of the session is spent outdoors. I'm actually rather envious of the bag, it's a lego brick and very cool. He looks so cute lugging it onto his back and being a "big man" as he tells me. The only minor blip last week was when I went to collect him(!!) He realised that the big banana he'd put in the bowl at the start of the session was no longer there - and he hadn't eaten it. They chop up and share out all the fruit and veg brought in between everyone, and at 3 sharing is a concept still rather alien to Ru.  "Where's my banana?" he wailed as I tried to make a fast exit.
Off to Pre-Kindy.

The coveted lego brick bag. In each stud he has a hot wheels car.

We planted out our herb seeds today after school. In this climate they should grow like mad I think and the herbs in the shops are very dear. Plus it's good to be growing something again- the boys can't wait for them to sprout. Ru was disgusted when there was no sign of green after the first 5 minutes.

Ru with his basil, Alfie and his thyme and my lonely looking oregano.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Cotters!

    More fun and japes down under, I see. It all looks absolutely brilliant and I, too, am very jealous of the Lego bag! xx

    When do your mum and dad arrive? You'll have to post some pics of them with you all on here as it would be great to see you all together again.

    How's it going making friends? You seemed to be making great progress with the outdoor movie night. I hope that you have followed that up with a few coffee mornings and flexed your muscles making some cakes to share round them all!

    Life here is crazy as ever and it would be good to Skype to catch up properly...?

    Did you hear that Justine is coming over with Toby in May/June - really excited!!!!!!!!! I think though, that unfortunately her visit may just miss yours but not 100% sure. I think she goes back on the 12/6...?

    Anyway, take care and keep up the blogging. You are very, very missed and loved.

