Friday 2 March 2012

Alfie wins a prize

The series about a little boy called Alfie by Shirley Hughes has been on our shelves for a year or two now and Alfie is of course delighted to have a book named after himself!
This week, however, the above title really came true. We had the first assembly of the new school year. I was handed a note about a week ago telling me that Alfie would be getting a merit award so I was welcome to attend. "Don't tell him, so it's a surprise" said the note. So I turned up and sneaked in at the back to sit with another Mum I know whose daughter was getting one too. It really was a surprise, and the excitement on the faces of his friends was pretty heartwarming too!

Little man shakes the headmaster's hand.

Standing at the front (trying not to giggle) with his friend Daniel (left)

With a proud Mummy and his certificate.

He got it for "the fantastic focus he is showing in class and for his in depth understanding of his reading books"- Wow! This from a boy who, although not stupid, used to have the attention span of a goldfish and regularly got himself in trouble. I've no idea whether it's his improved diet or if he's just growing up a bit, but something's working and I'm thrilled :0)