Thursday 24 March 2011

Getting started on this blogging thing.

So, I decided it was about time I made it easier to share our news and general goings on with people, rather than the one line facebook comments which often tell a very incomplete story.
When B said last summer that he might apply for a job in Perth and what would I think of moving that far?? my reply was something along the lines of "Yeah, go for it if you like, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it." Not, you see, because I lacked faith in his ability to get the job, but just because it seemed a rather surreal proposition and hardly something that happened to folk like us. Then, after just a single telephone interview, they offered him the job. He protested that they would surely need to meet him or do a second interview or something but the reply came back " No, we're happy that you'll fit the bill nicely".
Now was the time to panic.
After panicking for quite a while and talking ourselves into it and back out again, it boiled down to 2 things. First, would it be good for us as a family?
Second, did the figures work out on Brians hastily-drawn-up excel spreadsheet?! (He is an engineer after all)
The answer to the first question was, to be honest, "Who Knows?", but we were both willing to give it a try. The job contract was for 2 years so there was a get-out clause if things didn't go well, and we'd never get another opportunity like this we felt.
The answer to the second was pretty good too, so all in all we decided to give it a try.
The company organised visas, shipping, and business class flights (suffice it to say I think we pulled it off although I was acutely aware that the kids could kick off at any time and disgrace us horribly!)
We spent weeks looking for the ideal house once we arrived. We wanted a pool in the hot climate, and the search wasn't helped by the fact we had no idea where we wanted to be. In the end we plumped for Applecross- a gorgeous, leafy, but wildly expensive, suburb on the south shores of the Swan river. A fab playground for the boys with amazing views and a great kiosk for coffees and ice cream swung the decision.
Just part of the Pirate ship playground in Applecross.


  1. So excited that you are starting a blog. I look forward to reading all your adventures in Perth! Hope you guys are all settled in.

  2. yay for the Cotters, looking forward to being shown around. much love x x
