Tuesday 19 July 2011

Thank heavens.......

 All of us have been a little low since getting back from our holidays. Home is where the heart is they say and no matter what, our home is where our families are. The boys have largely been expressing this by sadly telling me how much they miss Sammy, our beautiful springer spaniel who we re-homed to a farm (where he is spoilt rotten) before christmas. Given that they have not had him for 7 months now, I suspect it is just their childish way of telling me they feel a bit dislocated and homesick. Today Alfie had a 3 hour sport lesson with a couple of the boys from school and he already seems a little happier. Next week he'll be back in school for the new term and I think it will be tremendously comforting for him in an odd sort of way. Ru too. He only does 2 short sessions but he loves the routine and the company.

Every so often, especially if I'm inclined to have a miserable moment, I try to take stock and realise how lucky we really are. How many people get to try out a new location, climate and lifestyle at no great risk or expense? As I look out today, the sun is shining and I think that this is a beautiful place and a wonderful experience. It may be far away but I'm grateful for technology- we have phones, skype and facebook. It's not the same as popping in for a cuppa but it definitely eases the distance a little. Just imagine what it would have been like even a decade or 2 ago when we would have felt truly dislocated from all that goes on back home.

To improve my mood further, I made some soup for my lunch with last night's left over roast veg (spuds, pumpkin and carrot), some chopped bacon and a stock cube. I feel inordinately pleased with it as it is actually rather yummy. B can take some for his lunch tomorrow instead of boring old cheese sandwiches.

Think I'll take the lads to the park in a while (when Alfie recovers his energy after sport this morning!) and they can wear each other out some more. If I'm really lucky I may get to read some of my book while they play. It's lovely to find a little time to read again as it was a pleasure I'd missed for too long. Next year, when Ruairi's school hours increase a little, I hope to find a pottery class and get back to even more of my favourite stuff. For now, I'm just enjoying the sunshine, cooking and feeling a little more positive again. Thank heavens for opportunities like these, even if what they ultimately teach us is to be grateful for what we already have.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you've been all feeling a bit rough and homesick, but your settling in ideas are so good! Nourishment for the body and the heart. much love and big hugs dear Andrea x x
