Tuesday 10 May 2011

When is a treat not a treat?

While stopped at some traffic lights with Ru the other day he suddenly declared "Bowling. Can we go bowling Mummy?" My first thoughts were: "What the heck put that into his head?" followed quickly (as I saw a street sign for the tenpin bowling alley) by "How on earth did he read that? He's only three".
My illusion of having a gifted child ( "He was reading at three, and wrote his first novel by the time he was six, blah, blah") was soon shattered as I saw a fifteen foot high skittle atop a nearby building. Ahh, all becomes clear.
Next door there was a fast food joint called "Chicken Treat". I'm not entirely sure where the "treat" part comes in. It sure isn't a treat for the chickens involved and by the look of it I'm in serious doubt about the diners too. To give you an idea of the establishment it was also sporting a model on its roof. This time it was a chicken. In case the average customer is unsure of what they sell no doubt. I wonder if the menu is similarly graphic?
I drove off  wondering how long it'll be before I am subjected to a barrage of requests for fast food on every journey. Not long I suspect. Alfie already recognises the McDonalds "M" and comments on it regularly, and he's only ever been in once on a long journey to have their breakfast porridge. He has spotted the playzone at the one on the highway too. If he ever so much as hears the phrase "happy meal" I'm sunk! I thank my lucky stars Ru only noticed the bowling on this occasion, and the lies tripped from my tongue without a thought "It's closed today darling, maybe one weekend we'll all go."

1 comment:

  1. It's Andy that's the problem for us when it comes to fast food, it's such a weakness for him lol! I guess living in the sticks we just don't have that problem :-)
